

We, at First Baptist Church of Abbeville would like to warmly welcome you to join with us in worship and fellowship.  We, as a Family Reaching Families, are excited to share God’s love and hope that He touches your life.  If you are searching, hoping and praying for a place to belong, our hearts are open and offer you a church home here.  We are eager to share with you the marvelous ways God works within us.  If we can be of service, please let us know.

Mission Statement

First Baptist Church of Abbeville exists to lead people to Christ and develop Christian disciples.

Vision Statement 

Following God's leadership, First Baptist Church of Abbeville will provide laborers, facilities and finances to minister to the spiritual needs of people, both at home and abroad.



Map & Directions

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First Baptist Church of Abbeville
15 East Long Street
P. O. Box 80
Abbeville, MS 38601
United States
Phone: 662.234.3486

Contact Us